Friday, October 15, 2010

Review of final presentations-11th October 2010

Collaborative Design

Review of final presentations-11th October 2010

(Imagine Haiti)

- In depth analysis of context ‘Haiti’

- Developed evaluation of class/school context and referenced this in order to design an appropriate configuration of seats.

- Modularity of system in relation to class context seemed appropriate and well researched.

- Instruction process/kit (Not enough consideration into sustainable products-or not mentioned. As well as a lack of thought into using local resources although a good focus on local production).

(My Mat)

- Design/ Liked the modularity and light weight of the system

- Context/ Presented clearly although it was brief.

- Negative aspect of this presentation was that it was unclear as to how the product is made and how it works. Possibly due to computer errors with sound?

(Lap Desk)

- In terms of presentation of context, information was covered clearly

- Materials seemed to be considered in great depth, good exploration of the material was also present. (Local product/sustainable)

- Design/ Like the versatility and easiness of the product.

(Furniture for developing minds)

- Casual/ clear presentation.


(Congo Fungi)

- Presentation, effective use of materials, music ,images and texts.

- High consideration of production process and community involvement although not an entirely clear design. Was not sure about how to use.


- Casual/fun/clear presentation however could be inappropriate in relation to the topic.

(Grab Play Learn)

- Different use of presenting information/could be tedious/boring to read however it is an interesting approach.

- Good to see a professional looking model/ clear instruction images.

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