Friday, October 15, 2010

Ergonomics in Vietnam

JOURNAL ARTICLE (parts were taken from the pdf)

The main reasons for the problems in most old and
newly established industries in Vietnam are:
1 Lack of sufficient knowledge and general awareness
regarding occupational health, safety and ergonomics
amongst the relevant parties concerned, especially
with regard to the specific conditions in Vietnam.
2 Lack of proper regulations and enforcement for work
environment, occupational health and safety
3 Lack of proper inspection and supervision
4 Shortages of resources, both economic and trained
5 Managements' narrow perspective putting shortterm
benefits before workers' health and safety.
To-day occupational health is the sixth priority of the

From reading the journal article, it seems like it was stating that because of the low knowledge of the Vietnamese people. They do not realize they are working in a bad environment that is so dangerous. it has caused major health issues to the workers etc.

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